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Jun 28, 2021
How do you maintain a good sleep routine during midterms and exams? Because I am struggling
Question: How do you maintain a good sleep routine during midterms and exams? Because I am struggling Response #1: I totally agree with...
Jun 28, 2021
Second Year Burn Out
Question: My question is related to burnout. I’m only in second year but I feel like with each new term we have I just keep getting more...
Jun 19, 2021
Dealing with SI and School
[Content Warning: Please be advised that this post contains the discussion of SI] Question: Do you have advice for lack of...
May 1, 2021
I was wondering if anyone has any experience or advice with parenthood through pharmacy school?
Question: I was wondering if anyone has any experience or advice with parenthood through pharmacy school? I recently got married and have...
Apr 19, 2021
How do I deal with exam season anxiety? I'm spending more time being anxious and worried ...
Question: How do I deal with exam season anxiety? I feel like I'm spending more time being anxious and worried of failing than spending...
Apr 15, 2021
As exam season approaches, I am terrified of gaining weight....
Question: As exam season approaches, I am terrified of gaining weight. I have struggled with body dysmorphia in the past and I'm scared...
Mar 29, 2021
Are there any LGBTQ+ clubs on campus? mental health would benefit from having more LGBTQ+...
Question: Are there any LGBTQ+ clubs on campus? I know about GLOW and FemPhys from main campus but I don't know if there's anything...
Feb 19, 2021
I'm feeling a little frustrated with 124 and 126...
Question: I'm feeling a little frustrated with 124 and 126. It feels like for some reason, my brain can't completely understand the...
Feb 16, 2021
Are the mentors who support this program volunteers or paid positions?
Hello there! The mentors that support this program are Waterloo pharmacy students who apply every year when applications open up (usually...
Jan 25, 2021
What helps you stay motivated in pharmacy school?...
Question: What helps you stay motivated in pharmacy school? I'm one week in, and I feel that my mental health issues are taking over....
Jan 20, 2021
I'm feeling a little flustered with 110, and I was wondering if you could help somehow...
Question: I'm feeling a little flustered with 110, and I was wondering if you could help somehow. This first week is all about the...
Mar 17, 2020
Are there any eating disorder/disordered eating resources at Main Campus ...
Question: Are there any eating disorder/disordered eating resources at Main Campus, or better yet, at the pharmacy school? Response 1:...
Feb 13, 2020
Any tips on dealing with the financial burden of pharmacy school?
Question: Any tips on dealing with the financial burden of pharmacy school? I come from a single parent household and have no financial...
Feb 6, 2020
Hi! I was thinking about signing up for a counselor session, but am unsure...
Question: Hi! I was thinking about signing up for a counselor session, but am unsure. Can you provide some feedback if you personally...
Sep 3, 2019
I want to complete my last co-op work term in Alberta. How was your experience there? ...
Question: I want to complete my last co-op work term in Alberta. How was your experience there? Was it worth it? Hi! My name is Lauren...
Jul 18, 2019
I just learned that a good friend of mine committed suicide...
Question: I just learned that a good friend of mine committed suicide. I don't even have time to mourn because of exams. What should I...
Jul 10, 2019
Ever since getting back from co-op, I've been really lonely...
Question: Ever since getting back from co-op, I've been really lonely. It seems like everyone has a "group," and while I can almost...
Jul 10, 2019
I've applied to almost every executive/club position offered this year ...
Question: I've applied to almost every executive/club position offered this year and I did not get a single one. I am nervous this will...
Jul 10, 2019
Any upper years have advice on how to study for IPFC 4? did you make a lot of notes ...
Question: Any upper years have advice on how to study for IPFC 4? did you make a lot of notes to understand all the studies and trials or...
Jun 29, 2019
In response to the question submitted Sunday, June 23, 2019
Response 1: Dear Original Poster, We have received your question and want you to know that we are very concerned for your well-being. We...
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