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Second Year Burn Out


Question: My question is related to burnout. I’m only in second year but I feel like with each new term we have I just keep getting more and more burnt out and I’m not ever gaining my energy, motivation and drive back. I’ve tried to schedule regular times to relax and destress but it’s not helping and I’m not sure I can do less studying and still pass my classes. I’m worried this burn out isn’t going to resolve and will just get worse the further into my studies I get.


Response #1:

Wow, this is a really good question that I think we can all relate to. I completely understand how you’re feeling; school and all the assignments and responsibilities that it entails can really take a toll- especially when it seems to never have an end! One of the main strategies that I have finally realized works for me (after how many years of school?) is to find something or an activity that excites me. Burnout occurs because we have been exhausting too much of our energy and focus and for far too long, and I think that sometimes it is easy to forget to incorporate little things into our daily lives that energize us or motivate us.

Needless to say, balance really is the key. Instead of trying tactics to relax or forcing yourself to de-stress, maybe a change in perspective in something as simple as allowing yourself to do one enjoyable thing a day. Do you like to paint? To read? To cook? To run/jog? To play a sport? To watch anime? For me personally, I have come to terms that, although I hate to admit it because I sound super cheesy, but a good workout at the end of the day does it for me. I look forward to it, not specifically the workout itself, but the aftermath of it. I like how I feel after exercising and I especially love the post-workout shower. For some of our peers, I know that they look forward to the late night Youtube videos, or their favourite K-dramas that they somehow manage to incorporate into their busy schedule. I can tell that those moments where they are actually doing something that they enjoy, is how they cope with stress and prevent burnout because of their excitement when they talk about it- kind of the same way I get excited when someone mentions that they are doing the same Chloe Ting videos as I! I hope there is something you can take away from anything from the above, and I hope you can find that one thing that gets you through this burnout!

Response #2:

Burnout is so difficult to navigate, because you are trying to do just enough to keep moving forward, but every part of you just doesn't want to do it. When I find myself burnt out, I usually have to do a complete reset. I know that this is more difficult with pharmacy school, and we don't really have that much down time but we can't be good self care advocates if we don't take care of ourselves. So even though we just wrote an IPFC midterm last week, and we have midterm coming up, I am going to try and spend this weekend with my friends guilt free. Doing a mental reset, for me, means doing something that makes me happy, or doing something that brings me excitement. This can be something really small, like spending a whole evening online shopping with my friends, or maybe just going to the park and buying ice cream. If I am doing something I really like during my relaxing time, I am less likely to feel like it is time “wasted” on relaxation. Regardless, I need time to get away from school, so that I don't feel as tired going back to doing school work. It is especially hard with remote learning, becauses you are constantly reminded that you have to be doing work - which is not true. Students should be able to do things like, eat and sleep guilt free.

It is really great that you are scheduling time to unwind, and I know it is really hard to try to decompress more without your grades suffering. It's hard to look into the future to see if less time studying and more time focusing on yourself will bring up your grades. But truly take it slow if you need to, day by day. Because sometimes taking it slow may be more beneficial and productive to you rather than a constant state of burn out. Everyone is truly on a different path, so do as you feel is best for you. If you want to sleep, sleep and continue working after a nap. If your mind can't study anymore, dance shamelessly for a bit and then do some less mentally intensive work. Listen to your body, and push through the responsibilities slowly. You'll be able to complete your tasks, and it might feel less straining. Remember to eat, sleep and do the things that you love guilt free ;)

I don’t know if any other things will be helpful to you, but I find that this is something that works for me to at least accomplish what I need to. Play Hard, Work Hard. To get the appropriate amount done, remember to play an appropriate amount too! ;)


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