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How do you maintain a good sleep routine during midterms and exams? Because I am struggling


Updated: Jul 23, 2021

Question: How do you maintain a good sleep routine during midterms and exams? Because I am struggling


Response #1:

I totally agree with you. Finding a proper sleep schedule during exam season is so difficult, because you want to get good sleep, but you also don't want to miss out on study time. I've hit a point in this term where I also don't have a proper sleep schedule anymore. I don't have a sporadic sleep schedule or anything, but it is no longer planned - I just sleep when I feel like it. Whenever I feel like I can no longer study anymore, I just call it a night and either go to bed, or do my night time routine (ex. go on youtube for a bit and then go to bed). Because me trying to stay up late and focus doesn't really get any additional information in my head. And then I try again the next day. I'll wake up a bit earlier, if I sleep a bit earlier, and give myself some time to warm up before I start my school day (ex. make breakfast, listen to music, water my plants). I find that warming up and cooling down at the start and end of the day help me to maintain a healthy sleep routine, even if it isn't consistent. I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but it is something that has worked for me.

Just a reminder that you can't study if you don't sleep properly!

Response #2:

This is such a good question because you bring up sleep which is such a big factor for success during these midterms/exam seasons! I think that a good sleep routine should be specific to you as an individual. One thing that I have done that really helped my sleeping routine during school was taking notice of the hours when I was functioning, working, and being the most efficient and creative. Also, taking notice of when I sleep the best. I encourage you to try the same. One thing I really dread about tossing and turning when you cannot sleep, is the guilt of not doing productive work. Should I just get up and do more work? Will I be awake enough tomorrow if I do that? However, this way you have the advantage of studying during those “peak hours” and then taking it easy when there is a lack of focus- which includes sleeping which tends to be easier when your brain and mind are less stimulated. Although everyone is so different, I hope this change in perspective works for you as well, and I hope you get that good night’s sleep before exams! :)

Response #3:

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your sleep schedule! It can be a struggle getting into a good routine, especially during busy and stressful times such as exam season. What works best for me is to make a rough schedule of what tasks I want to get done during the week and an approximate duration dedicated to those tasks. By doing so, I can plan out my sleep schedule and lower my anxiety levels in terms of knowing what to somewhat expect for the following days. With that being said, there are so many times when my brain and body just do not want to follow this schedule. It is important to listen to what your body and mind is telling you so that you don’t overwork yourself and burn out. For instance, if it is 8:00PM and I want to study more but my brain power has been depleted, I take a break for the rest of the night and go to bed early. Other days, I can’t go to sleep and am lying fully awake, so I get out of bed and occupy myself with other activities until I feel more drowsy. Sleep is essential to be alert while learning and it’s important that you take the time to get adequate amounts during exam season. Don’t feel guilty if you sleep in, as days like these can really help you recharge! I hope this gave you a bit more insight on how other students navigate their sleep routines during exam season. Remember to take care of yourself and best of luck on exams! :)


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