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Nov 3, 2016
How can I access the counselling services that I heard are at the school every other Wednesday?
Question: How can I access the counselling services that I heard are at the school every other Wednesday? Response: Call UW Counselling...
Oct 17, 2016
I was wondering if you can help me with the way I feel atm. I am constantly so stressed out...
Question: Hello, I was wondering if you can help me with the way I feel atm. I am constantly so stressed out and really sad. I dont know...
Oct 15, 2016
*sigh Rx2019 here disappointed again about IPFC - probably one of my biggest disappointments...
Question: *sigh Rx2019 here disappointed again about IPFC - probably one of my biggest disappointments in life. I passed but I'm not...
Oct 8, 2016
I'm really into pharmacy, but I'm one of those people who's always coming up with a new goal...
Question: I'm really into pharmacy, but I'm one of those people who's always coming up with a new goal or plan or scheme once I seem to...
Feb 26, 2016
2019 here. I feel like I lack motivation to do anything well enough for school...
Question: 2019 here. I feel like I lack motivation to do anything well enough for school. Upper years keep stressing that first year is...
Aug 7, 2015
I'm a little scared of what will happen after graduation right now...
Question: I'm a little scared of what will happen after graduation right now... It still seems kind of far away but I'm thinking about...
Aug 6, 2015
I'm stressed, tired, and exhausted from exams. I realize this is a normal time for us. However...
Question: I'm stressed, tired, and exhausted from exams. I realize this is a normal time for us. However why did they make our exams this...
Jul 30, 2015
My finances, grades and health all seem to be spiraling out of control at once...
Question: My finances, grades and health all seem to be spiraling out of control at once. I cry every time I think about any of it. I...
Jul 10, 2015
Hi, this is a 2017 here. I was wondering if some of my classmates could provide some tips...
Question: Hi, this is a 2017 here. I was wondering if some of my classmates could provide some tips on how to succeed in IPFC. Despite...
Jul 2, 2015
I just got rejected for Winter 2016 admissions last month for UW, and I was wondering if...
Question: I just got rejected for Winter 2016 admissions last month for UW, and I was wondering if it's realistic to be going for...
Apr 9, 2015
I've been in a relationship with a guy I've known since high school, but over the past...
Question: I've been in a relationship with a guy I've known since high school, but over the past couple years we've really been drifting...
Mar 11, 2015
I'm in rx2018 and I am really worried about the pharm 124 pharmaceutics lab...
Question: I'm in rx2018 and I am really worried about the pharm 124 pharmaceutics lab. I honestly just don't think I am good in the lab...
Feb 6, 2015
How can you deal with the loss of a loved one during a packed school term...
Question: How can you deal with the loss of a loved one during a packed school term while making sure that academics do not slip in the...
Jan 29, 2015
Has anyone looked into getting a line of credit from a bank? What are your experiences with it...
Question: Has anyone looked into getting a line of credit from a bank? what are your experiences with it... good? bad? are the payments...
Jan 25, 2015
I'm currently on co-op and it's hard to say this - but I'm not really enjoying it...
Question: I'm currently on co-op and it's hard to say this - but I'm not really enjoying it. How did you guys know that pharmacy was for...
Jan 11, 2015
Hello!! I'm a 2018. My boyfriend decided to pop the question before I started school and now...
Question: Hello!! I'm a 2018. My boyfriend decided to pop the question before I started school and now I have the lovely added stress of...
Nov 24, 2014
If you guys could redo anything in pharmacy school, knowing what you know now, what would it be?
Question: If you guys could redo anything in pharmacy school, knowing what you know now, what would it be? What advice do you have for...
Nov 24, 2014
On one of the last IPFC exams, I did quite poorly and I'm very worried that I will not be able...
Question: On one of the last IPFC exams, I did quite poorly and I'm very worried that I will not be able to continue on with my class....
Oct 30, 2014
This year especially in pharmacy school, I've been having a tough time and I always end up...
Question: Hi RxPRN, This year especially in pharmacy school, I've been having a tough time and I always end up comparing myself to my...
Oct 4, 2014
What advice do you guys have for dating other class members? Although I'm kind of interested in...
Question: What advice do you guys have for dating other class members? Although I'm kind of interested in pursuing something with...
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