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How to Stay Connected With Friends In a Different Class


Question 1:

How do I stay connected with my rx2024 friends when I am going to be joining the rx2025 cohort as a result of a course going poorly in the 2nd semester? They're super busy studying for midterms and I feel like I'd be bothering them.


Answer 1 :

First I want to say that pharmacy school is really hard and it’s not unusual to switch into a different cohort, especially with the pandemic and the additional stress that it brings. Secondly, regardless of what cohort you are in, it does not change the friendship! Pharmacy school is small and tight knit as we’re only 120 students/cohort unlike undergrad. With the small community, it means that friendships between cohorts really blossom. I really want to reassure you that despite not being in some of your friend’s classes, we’re all still working towards the common goal of becoming a great pharmacist.

2A in particular is a very heavy semester, but I know for a fact that I am so grateful when my friends check in on me. Even a short chat or a catch up text to update on what’s new with me can help me feel invigorated and take no time at all. For longer meet ups, what works well with me to stay in touch with those I am close to is to book times in my calendar to meet up. That gives me something to look forward to when I am studying and also ensures that I have enough time to take care of myself. I would also suggest staying involved with the pharmacy school community. There’s lots of events running where you can participate in together!

Answer 2 :

Thank you for reaching out with your question. When I was in first year, my roommate was in third year, so many of my friends were in their upper years (and as such, have since left). In terms of keeping in touch, it can definitely be challenging, but I promise you, your friends don’t think you’re bothering them by wanting to keep in touch with them. As your schedules will likely be different from now on, I think it’s important to plan ahead and make time to hang out or catch up. Being clear in your communication will also go a long way. There are times when my friends will reach out to me wanting to spend time catching up, and I have to say “I’m sorry, I have a lot of exams I’m studying for right now, I don’t have a lot of time to talk right now” (and they’ve had to say that to me with regards to the busy-ness in their lives as well). Your friends have been through it and will understand if you’re busy. Planning ahead is key, and will be extremely important in maintaining your relationships outside of school as well.

Answer 3:

Hey! Thank you for bringing this topic up as I know there are others under similar circumstances as well! The most important thing to remember here is that your situation is not a one off and is common in pharmacy school. Now speaking from personal experience, having a friend who is under different circumstances has rarely affected the status of our relationship. Regardless of the fact that your schedule is not likely to align with your Rx2024 friends at this point in time, there will always be time to maintain meaningful friendships: it is a matter of finding that time. Friendships are a two-way street, but this does not mean there are not countless roadblocks along the way. While the 2A term can be particularly overwhelming, I am sure that your friends are looking for a sense of connection during their stressful times.

For the time being I will recommend three things you can do that will hopefully allow for you and your friends to feel that your friendships are holding strong and that the support is there from both parties:

  1. There is no need to feel as though you are bothering them. Like I have already mentioned, the 2A term is a hard one that requires a fine balance between school life and social life. Just know that any effort you have made to connect with your friends is likely being seen as a breath of fresh air and a sign of support as they are studying for midterms. You should continue to be that person for them.

  2. Schedule them in. Since your current schedules are not in line with one another it would be super helpful for you to make a conscious effort to schedule time for your friends when you are both available. This does not mean you need to schedule full day activities to maintain your connections. Simply finding time to FaceTime with your friend for 20-30 minutes (this could be a nice study break idea for them!) could be enough for you both to get that friendship fix for a little bit.

  3. Never forget self-care. I know this part is super cliche coming from a pharmacy student, yet it is important to remember how wide the definition of self-care spans. The maintenance of meaningful relationships, on any level, is a crucial aspect of self-care. It is amazing that your major concern in your question is the thoughts and feelings of your peers and whether or not you are bothering them, but you need to also think about what these friendships mean to you. Keeping these connections is clearly important to you, so don’t feel discouraged and continue on with what you have been doing— your friends appreciate you.



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