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Does the school intend on allowing in person events this fall?


Question: Does the school intend on allowing in person events this fall? I am in Rx2023 and the last 2 years have been extremely hard. We have almost completed two years online without meeting everyone in our cohort. We have almost completed two years of a PharmD in social isolation, studying alone. The benefits from in person events and mutual study spaces are endless. We need these interactions and community based setting to get through this hard program. Studying in fish bowls with friends allow us to feel supported, have people to ask for help from in a timely manner, and provide serotonin release through friendship, kindness and community. This is essential.


Response #1:

Though RxPRN is not responsible for these things, I think Dr. Edginton mentioned specifically for the fall that they are hoping to have common areas available in the school for studying and for club meetings so that we can resume a more normal school experience. They are just working on departmental safety plans at the moment. But they the school has concrete information (which will be coming out in the next couple of weeks) they will be informing students of the plan. You can always check the beginning of the Rx2023 Townhall meeting, in case I misinterpreted Dr. Edginton’s words. But I definitely agree, online school has been really rough, and it would be really nice to see our classmates in person again.

Response #2:

Hey! Rx2024 over here, I totally understand how you feel and how difficult it is to feel connected and supported with a mostly online format. Our cohort even had Phrosh and Orientation Meet&Greet events online and I still haven’t even met everybody in my cohort so I completely empathize with how you’re feeling! I am a naturally extroverted person and throughout my undergrad I loved to study in social settings with friends and thrived in that social atmosphere. I understand that moving online makes this incredibly difficult but I found that having acceptance of the situation would allow me to enjoy my time in pharmacy school more, despite the downsides of online learning. There are some strategies and activities you can do with friends that can help you feel more supported and connected! For example, I facetime friends to study together or go over material together and this gives us a chance to chat and catch up a bit as well. My friends and I also make sure to sign up for online events that Pharmacy clubs like SoPhS or CAPSI are hosting in order to meet more people and participate in activities together. I also arranged weekly online TV show or movie nights with some friends to make time to talk, connect, and unwind with a fun activity together. Our class discord and smaller group chats with friends has also helped me feel connected to my classmates as everyone is very open to helping each other in a timely manner! We also try to make the most of our in-person lab days by going out for coffee or restaurants after or while on break. While the benefits of in-person socializing and events do exceed that of the online alternatives, making use of the online platforms for the time being can help you enjoy the time you have in Pharmacy School now because it doesn’t last forever! I hope some of those ideas for online activities and staying connected helps you out! Hopefully, we can go back to normal soon, but in the meantime the best thing you can do is find creative new ways to connect and make the most of your pharmacy journey !

Response #3

Although this online school experience is not within our control, I also agree that it is not ideal. I think that one of the limited yet practical things we can do to seek comfort and support through our community is to participate as much as we comfortably can in the different online resources that the school has provided for online interaction. I don’t think that I am in a position to offer grand advice as I definitely feel the same way as you, but I really do believe that small things like this would help to ensure that when we do transition back in person. When we are back in person, I think online participation is key in making sure we have not feel too isolated from each other and that there is still somewhat of a connection.


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