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I'm an Rx2021er. I tried reaching out and putting myself out there but I didn't fit in...


Updated: Jan 14, 2021


I'm an Rx2021er. I tried reaching out and putting myself out there but I didn't fit in. I don't have friends in our class. I was wondering if there are groups that people can join that are in a similar situation as me?


Response 1: I can’t speak for the whole class, but I do know a good number of the Rx2021s are super friendly but also super busy people. So keep putting yourself out there! If any class events come up that you’re interested in, definitely go! Also take advantage of the random-assignment groups that you’re put into for class and try to talk about more than just the assignment at hand. One of my favourites: Keep an eye out on facebook for community events (like paint night or the holiday market) that other students are going to and use those events as an opportunity to meet people outside of class. When all else fails, make conversation in the Dispensary and invite people to share a study space with you! (Everyone needs to study.)

Response 2: Hi there! I have 100% felt like this before, especially when I was in my undergrad. My number one thing I would suggest is asking people to study together. We all need to study, people will mostly say yes. Then it’s just a quick step from studying together to going to the movies together. If you don’t feel comfortable joining big groups (which can be scary) I would suggest maybe befriending one person first, who will subsequently invite you to group things as you feel more comfortable with them. Start small - talk to the person who sits next to you, or whoever is in your case study group. Trust me, many people have felt like this. And there were lots of people who came to Pharmacy school not knowing anyone (myself included) and made friends. You are awesome and anyone would be lucky to be your friend. Say hey or message me if you ever want to study or hang out. :) -Emma

Response 3: I have definitely been in your position before and I understand how you feel. To add to the above responses, try joining intramural teams the class puts together! I found in my undergrad and even in pharmacy that playing sports together was the easiest way for me to get to know people. Even if you don’t feel that you’re very good, there’s beginner level leagues you can join. There were ultimate frisbee, volleyball and basketball teams from what I saw last term. Keep your eye out this term on the Facebook page!


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