Sometimes I feel like the stupidest person in my class. I've always wanted to do pharmacy and I really am enjoying everything we are learning and I know for sure I want to do this but I get so scared when I see how well my classmates are doing. I also did horrible on my pharm129 midterm, we only had a day to study and I was cramming a lot of it the night before and got no sleep so I understand why and I know I can definitely do better if I start to keep up from now on, its just really scary though. could you give me any tips on studying for pharm 129? I understand the content but her multiple choice questions always trick me and when I get my mark back its always worse than what I thought I'd get.
Response 1: Hi there,
I think it’s wonderful that you love everything you are learning so far! Try not to compare yourselves to how well others seem to be doing academically. In the long run, your commitment to being a great pharmacist is the most important.
As for Pharm 129, that’s definitely one of the trickier courses! Dr. Nakhla is a really great pharmacist who tends to focus on details in the CTMA. I would take the time to takes notes on the CTMA, either with the template she provides (if she still does that), making your own notes, or even flashcards. Then read those notes as often as you can. Another really great way to study for her course is to gather some classmates and quiz each other closer to the final exam. It sounds like you understand the main concepts, so quizzing will help to flush out the itty bitty details.
I hope that helps somewhat!
Response 2: You are definitely not alone in finding Pharm 129 as one of the harder courses in the term, and it’s very different in the way it is set up from the rest of the courses in undergrad. It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying your courses and that you have a passion for pharmacy, definitely keep that attitude up! I found that to be a great motivator to push me through studying and paying attention in class. You are not alone for sure in struggling with some of the courses in pharmacy, especially as Dr. Nakhla’s exams are trickier! With her, I found it helpful to review some of the notes with a friend, and quiz each other on the side effects or characteristics of each minor ailment. We also came up with mini scenario-type questions to help apply the knowledge in a different way, which I found to be the harder type questions of her exam personally. In addition, I would try to get started on the top 100 drugs a bit earlier on to give a bit of time to have that sink in. Get a good night’s sleep before the final and good luck on the exam!