Now that 1A midterms are over and grades have been released, I'm beginning to worry and stress out because I didn't do well (just barely passed) in the more weighted courses. I feel as if exams will only be harder, and I was looking for some helpful tips and advice to help rebound and prepare for finals.
Thanks in advance!
I find that different courses (or even different instructors) require different study techniques. For example if you are a visual learner, drawing things out and studying directly from the slides might be helpful for a course like anatomy, while not so much for pharmaceutics (not much to visualize). For pharmaceutics more written notes and trying to tie it to the lab is usually helpful. A big tip is not to look back at your first results in a negative light. Pharmacy school is a new challenge and that means you might have to change things up a little bit to progress. Learn from your mistakes, see your midterms and try to figure out what you should have spent more time on and what you could have spent less time on. Although I admit it is difficult, but it helps to look at your previous results as learning experiences.
Also, take a look at our previous responses! You will find a lot of people share your concern and you might find more helpful tips :)