Hi! I wanted to get some tips on making notes in pharmacy school. In undergrad, I would always write out my notes as this is the best way for me and it helps me memorize but now in pharmacy school there is so much more to do and much less time so I feel as if I'm spending way too much time on one slide set when I'm writing out everything. Could you provide some recommendations on how you make your notes and study off of them?
Hey there! Pharmacy school is definitely a new challenge and that can mean your previous study techniques might change. I personally find that my note taking is very much dependant on the lecturer. For example, if the lecturer is mostly reading off the slides, I might put in personal notes like acronyms in there to help me study or memorize things better. But if the lecturer mentions things that are not on the slides, I tend to either record the lecture (after obtaining permission) and write the important points said if they aren't on the slides. I found making flashcards to be very helpful, especially for things like top 100 drugs and definitions. Also, take a look at our previous responses! You will find a lot of people share your concern and you might find more helpful tips :)