So we're into the third week of classes, everyone is studying hard and I feel like I have no motivation. I'm constantly eating, my head just feels empty sometimes and I don't know how to get focused and get into school. It's only the first year and sometimes I question whether I should even be here. How do I get focused because I want to succeed but I just can't do anything about it. I feel like crap. Is there anything you can suggest I do to change my habits?
Response 1:
The transition to pharmacy school is a big change from undergrad, and you’re definitely not alone! We all get moments where we lose sight of that drive that pushes us to keep going, and I find that a shift in perspective is always a good idea to get a fresh start on things when we’re in a rut. As important as it is to keep on top of school work, I find that you should never compromise that school-life balance. Have time set aside for yourself to do things you enjoy and that gives you the break you need to refocus on studying when you come back to it. I think it’s more effective to do things in larger chunks; study for a couple hours - it helps to focus you and keep you in that study mode - then de-stress and do something you enjoy. Definitely connect with your fellow classmates, they are going through the same process as you are and can provide you support and insight into how they focus. When I find that I am losing focus while I am studying, I try to change up the place I’m studying and give myself a new environment. I also find that sometimes studying with a friend can help clear up some concepts and is a good way to keep each other focused as well. It’s always a challenge adjusting to a new environment like professional school, but know that you have a lot of support, give yourself a bit of time to settle in, and that you will always continue to find new experiences to boost that motivation to succeed while you are here!
Response 2:
I can relate to you about sometimes lacking motivation to study. There is a lot studying we do at pharmacy school and sometimes it’s hard to be motivated. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done and well done. I think starting is the hardest part. You can find a study area free of distractions. Set a timer for studying (45 mins) and break (15 mins). This will allow you to keep track of how much you’ve study and when you need a break to stay efficient. Once you’ve self-studied, I find discussing the material with friends help clarify concepts. Quizzing each other helps you prep for tests. Also, don’t feel you have to achieve the best marks in the beginning. Sometimes it takes trial and error to know how to tackle a course. The midterms will allow you to see how you can improve. As long as you start, you’re on the right track to success and it’s ok to make mistakes. Response 3:
Group studying was a saviour for me! I always found it difficult to motivate myself during hard times and when there is a lot of material to cover. Group study sessions will push you more as you will have multiple perspectives on the material and what is important. It also helps to discuss material as it is a way to help solidify information you are trying to memorize. If I can tell my 1st year self any piece of advice it's this: Find a group to study with as early as possible.