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Preparing for the Midpoint Evaluation



Hi mentors!

I'm a second year student, and I am so nervous about the Midpoint Evaluation coming up in July.

I know that technically we are not supposed to be preparing for it, but I honestly don't remember anything from first year. Thinking about going into any kind of assessment without preparation just makes me more nervous. However given that its a whole year's worth of course work, it's overwhelming the amount of material to review.

I was wondering if you had any advice for preparing for the Midpoint or anything that worked for you?


Response 1:

Hi! The midpoint evaluation can be a little scary especially since we aren’t given a lot of guidance. In all honesty, it’s not meant to be taken as a regular test. It’s a way the faculty can gauge how the students are doing in the program. For any students that didn’t perform well on the test, the staff will just pay more attention to them and help them succeed down the line. In terms of preparing, you can look at previous notes if you want. It’s just hard to pinpoint what they will ask, so in the middle of making it through a semester it’s very time consuming to re-study everything. The second year stuff should be fresh enough that you don’t really need to spend time studying it. I personally didn’t study, however everyone is different. You’ll actually be surprised how much you’ll remember when you go through the test. If you want to study something at all, you can work on the classes you might not have done as well in. I hope this helps. Good luck in the rest of the semester!

Response 2:

Hey! I think it’s better to not prepare for the test as it’ll allow you to more accurately gauge what amount of information you have retained. Perhaps you’ll find that you’ve retained more information than you’ve expected and it can offer some relief to you in future courses. If you find that you struggle on some of the content, think about whether this information is something you can look up easily in practice or if this piece of information is something that would be good to memorize. I find that if I recognize that I have forgotten an important detail, I make sure to remember it in the future. Overall, this assessment isn’t meant to be high stakes or lead to any repercussions in the event that you don’t do well on it. Take it as a learning experience.


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