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What happens if you fail a course? Do you have move on in all your other courses...


Updated: Jan 15, 2021


What happens if you fail a course? Do you have move on in all your other courses but wait until next year to retake the failed course?


Response 1: Hello! It depends on the course. All courses mention in the syllabus if they offer or do not offer a supplemental exam. If a supplemental exam is offered, then if you fail the course you have another chance to pass it if you pass the supplemental exam. If a supplemental exam is not offered then I would contact the course coordinator to ask what the usual procedure is. If you are scared you might fail a course please please contact the course coordinator/instructor and talk about ways to tackle studying for the topics you are struggling with, usually they have a lot of good input!

Response 2:

To add on what has been said in the above response. If in the event that a student does fail a course, they have the option to petition it to the school. In situations where extenuating circumstances resulted in the failed grade, a committee formed by school administration, faculty and student representative will deliberate on the final outcome. If the committee rejects the petition, the student will be held back a year, they would be required to retake that course. The student would not be required to retake the passed courses. Regardless, each class if different, so please check the course syllabus or talk to the course coordinator.


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