Help! Coop makes me super stressed and anxious/depressed.
Any advice to give me to get through this and how did your first coop go?
Hi there! First of all, I’m sorry to hear that you’re stressed at work and that it’s adding to your anxiety. First co-op is all about learning - and having fun. You’re in a new environment and only have so much knowledge as a first year. Please don’t focus on “doing a good job” - as a first year, they won’t expect you to be a full-fledged pharmacist; but they will appreciate someone who tries their best to learn on the job. Attitude is what really matters during 1st co-op.
My advice would be to continue doing your best, but also taking the time to self-reflect at the end of every work day. I used to write a journal to track what I learned, what my mistakes were, and the things that I was praised for and therefore should continue.
Make sure that your co-op term isn’t just about work. I think that’s what I would have told myself to do with my first co-op experience. I worked in a hospital setting, and it was definitely stressful for me because I kept making the same mistakes frequently. I was so focused on work that it exhausted me mentally, and I didn’t make any time for my friends or family, which added to my low mood. So, in my second co-op, I tried hospital again with a different approach - I took breaks at work, I made sure to go in with the mindset of learning - which actually made me take note of things better. I joined my friends for drinks after work, and spent time with my family. Just remember that you are a student, you’re here to learn, and you are human - make sure to do things that make you happy. Your uplifted mood will actually help you do better at work and be less anxious/strained.
Look forward to your next co-op. I think first co-op for everyone was a hit-or-miss, and it can be due to so many things from the work environment to your relationship with your preceptor. If you don’t like where you work, then it’s a good clue for you to try a different setting that works for you next time. You’re not alone! I hope this helps.