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I'm just stressed out about school and life in general and I' thinking of making an appointment...


Updated: Jan 16, 2021


I'm just stressed out about school and life in general and I'm thinking of making an appointment with a counselor (even though I don't think what I'm going through is serious enough to bother a counselor)

I've looked at a previous post asking for information on how to book an appointment, and i was wondering if the information remains the same?

I'm specifically looking for whoever comes bi-weekly here at the pharmacy campus. Also if this is the first time booking an appointment, do we have to do that mini 15 min session to assess our situation thing?



Hey there! Yes the information is the same but I will post it on here as well. What you want to do is call UW Counselling Services between 8:30 and 4:30 pm on weekdays at 519-888-4567 ex 32655 and mention that you want to book an appointment with the Pharmacy School counselor. I believe you don’t have to do the mini 15 minute session if you are seeing the pharmacy school counselor. If you are on the fence of calling or not, I would say this service is here for you to use and is free. Think about it and if you still are not sure if you want to call, you can book an appointment to talk to one of our mentors one on one! Just email us on You can also pick which mentor you would feel most comfortable to talk to on this booklet

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