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I find when I sit down to do work, I find another reason to get distracted...


Updated: Jan 16, 2021


I find when I sit down to do work, I find another reason to get distracted and at the end of the day feel like I got nothing done. Do you have any tips on how to focus better?


Response 1:

Studying can get really distracting sometimes, so personally I do a couple of things to help me focus better.

The first thing I like to do (especially before entering an exam period) is to create a schedule outline for my entire day, or even for the week or two leading up to exams. Set realistic expectations for getting certain things done, like running through a set of notes by a certain hour in the day. I find that when I have a goal or deadline I put artificial pressure on myself to hit that, and that puts me back on track if I get distracted. Remember to schedule in things like breaks or meal prep so that the little things won’t set you behind or overwhelm you too.

I found that the environment could be pretty important in helping me focus. Whether you study better amongst friends, by yourself, in the library or in a cafe, it’s good to optimize this factor to really help push the motivation. Some people do well with background noise, some people can’t stand it, so find what works for you and sticking to it could help you zone into studying.

As a last resort, if I’m having a reallydistracting day, just putting your phone aside or closing Facebook or Youtube can help you focus, as the distraction is no longer in sight.

Getting good sleep helps too. There’s a lot less temptation to take midday naps and you’re definitely a lot more alert and focused, which can optimize your study. If you need to take a nap, set your alarm a walking distance from your bed so you have to get up.

We all get a little distracted sometimes, don’t kick yourself if you do, but try to zone in on what’s distracting and stay away from it.

Good luck on studying!


Response 2:

Distractions when studying can be quite a struggle. Everyone have different ways of studying. Look at what distracts you. Here are some things that have helped me from distractions:

  • If it’s social media, I personally used to have my friend change my password and not give it to me until exams were over. You could also use plugins like StayFocusd on Chrome that limit your time on certain websites.

  • Put a timer on and set a time period where you’ll study and do nothing other than study (30mins - 1h). After that time set a timer for a small break (~10mins) to give yourself the time to procrastinate a little. I use an app called “Pomodoro” and it sets intervals (i.e. 30mins) of work time, and automatically sends you an alert when it’s time for a break!

  • Find an environment that motivates you to study. Whether it’s with friends or alone. Sometimes working with friends may give you a little more pressure to study and not procrastinate (although choose it wisely, don’t study with people that you think may distract you).

  • Some people like background noise or listening to music. If listening to music helps you, try classical music or white noise (lyrical music can be distracting and you may not take in as much information)

  • If you start something, try to finish it before moving on to something else. Finishing a task can be motivation on its own instead of starting 10 things and finishing nothing.

  • Get enough sleep. Exam period can be rough and you may feel like you need to study instead of sleep but it may not be worth it in the end if you just feel like sleeping during the exam.

  • Eat well and stay hydrated. It’ll give you energy and prevent peaks where you feel super tired.

  • Try making a to do list to keep you on track of things you have to do. (Crossing off items when done can be very satisfying)

For future references, if you keep having problems focusing, you can visit the Student Success office. You can check out the sources available:

Everyone gets distracted especially during exams. Try relaxation techniques to help get your focus back on studying. Just remember the semester is almost over! Good luck on studying!


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