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Help!! I'm insanely stressed and I can't stop eating. How do I stop this?? I want to drop...


Updated: Jan 16, 2021


Help!! I'm insanely stressed and I can't stop eating. How do I stop this?? I want to drop 10 lbs for summer but at this rate, I won't even be able to fit into my "fat" clothes


Stressed, Tired, and Chocolate



Hi Stressed, Tired and Chocolate,

First things first, WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE. This is something I struggle with too. I can’t say that I know how to get you to stop eating, because food is just so fun to eat and who wants to deny themselves fun? I do have two suggestions that have helped me keep my weight stable even when I want to eat everything in sight.

1) Buy only healthy foods! So you’re eating a lot, but what’s the harm if it’s all celery, sugar snap peas, oranges, apples and chicken breast? At the very least, you’re eating healthier (and hopefully less) calories than you would if you were eating junk food. Find healthy snack recipes that have a lot of protein in them (like tuna salad or a granola bar) so that you stay full longer and you may not want to eat.

2) Join a gym! This has been such a life saver for me because even though I eat what I want, I can burn off the extra calories. I know how important it is to stay active so I feel guilty when I don’t go and I’m enjoying having something besides school that “I have to do.” So going to the gym allows me to eat what I want, it keeps me healthy and it keeps me away from school work…. win-win-win in my books! If you’re close to main campus, go to their gym and see if you can fit it into your schedule. If not, try out a gym for a month with one of their passes and see if you can fit it in. I find I enjoy going to the classes at the gym more than the gym itself because the instructors take away the responsibility of having to know what you’re doing with the machines.

Hope this helps! Keep us updated on your progress :)

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